Dry skin in winter: our natural solutions

Dry skin in winter: our natural solutions

In winter, when the cold arrives, the skin dries out and can cause unpleasant itching and tightness… How to remedy this and avoid this problem? Discover in this article our natural solutions!

Why is skin drier in winter?

During winter, the skin and body have to deal with cold wind, freezing temperatures, and the low humidity in the air thins the lipid layer naturally which helps prevent skin dryness. 

Heating becomes our friend, except for our skin, because the dry air it produces draws moisture away from the skin, which then becomes dry, dull and scaly .

Therefore, when the temperatures drop, it is essential to adopt a suitable routine to ensure that your skin remains hydrated .

What are the signs of damaged skin ?

  • Less soft skin, rough in places
  • The “crocodile skin” look
  • Red and cracked hands
  • The appearance of plaques on the face
  • Dry lips
  • Itching, skin tightness
  • Sometimes hives can appear in the most sensitive people!

Get flawless skin even in winter

The temperature difference between the heated interiors and the cold exterior, promotes the dilation of the small blood vessels of the face which are characterized by localized redness and promotes skin dryness .

Care adapted to the season

When winter sets in, it is essential to create a new beauty routine in order to prevent rather than cure !

We do not ignore make -up removal , which is an essential step in a beauty routine. Prefer however, oils or cleansing milks rather than micellar waters which dry out and attack the skin especially during this season.

In summer, with the heat and the sun, it is the light formulas that are the most suitable for the season, while in winter the skin needs to be more nourished and more hydrated to be able to protect itself and face the external attacks . Richer and more hydrating textures are therefore to be preferred.

Finer and more fragile, the skin of the hands and lips needs to be pampered! Adopt and always have a lip stick and a nourishing hand cream close to you, this will allow them to create a protective layer and therefore be less attacked by low temperatures.

Prefer shorter and less hot showers than long boiling baths! Indeed, the water vapor dries out and weakens the skin, because it removes the lipid barrier of the epidermis.

Nutrition is your ally!

In order to keep beautiful skin and protect it at the same time, it is essential to have a healthy and balanced diet.

Water is your best friend! Drink 1.5 liters or more if necessary to maintain optimal hydration and thus avoid dehydration wrinkles .

Fill up on fatty acids . Omegas 3 and 6 are important for your skin, so eat fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc.), avocado and garnish your dishes with olive oil, rapeseed or nuts !

If your diet is not rich enough in fatty acids, you can opt for food supplements such as our Absolu Omega-3 , which is an innovative plant-based formula providing a high dose of omega-3 from microalgae to deeply soften the tissues. and protect the skin from external aggressions. One capsule per day provides 250 mg of DHA and 1.25 mg of EPA , i.e. 100% of the daily needs to perfectly meet the needs of the skin, act on inflammations and rashes and promote healthier skin that is better protected from free radicals .

Dietary supplements for hydrated skin 

At D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS, we offer a range of food supplements for ultra-sensitive, dry and dehydrated skin . You will find natural and concentrated formulas based on omega 3, hyaluronic acid and SOD to provide maximum comfort and nutrition.

The Skin-Reactive Program is the ideal solution for all fragile, sensitive and reactive skin whose cause is hormonal. Thanks to its regulating, soothing and depurative active ingredients , this innovative formula restores the neuro-hormonal balance , calms skin with dermatological problems , promotes skin healing and deeply purifies the skin . Day after day, the skin regains comfort and hydration!

The Baby Skin Duo is perfect for daily luminous and comfortable skin. It naturally boosts the radiance of the complexion and acts in depth to reduce skin inflammation and calm skin sensitized by external aggressions. This duo provides two patented formulas: an innovative concentrate of Landes maritime pine OPC, a powerful antioxidant that acts on the radiance of the complexion, firmness, elasticity and the reduction of pigment spots , and a high dose of SOD from melon de Provence which acts on skin protection . An essential duo to take care of your skin on a daily basis!


Skin sensitized by neuro-hormonal imbalance

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Baby SKIN duo

Luminous & soothed skin

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Absolute Omega-3

Flexibility & Elasticity

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