Strong Hair 5 days free - Gummies

Strong Hair 5 days free - Gummies

Gummies hair

0€ 6,60€


Payment in 2 or 3 times without fees from 50€.


  • Dosage

Promotes growth

Slows down the fall

Activates microcirculation

Blueberry flavour

S.O.S. cheveux en détresse ? Pas de panique, nos délicieux gummies goût cassis viennent à la rescousse ! Au cœur de la recette ? Le combo superfoods (myrtille, açaï) et vitamines D3 et B2 pour renforcer la chevelure de l'intérieur, activer la microcirculation du cuir chevelu, favoriser la fortification de la fibre et accélérer la pousse. Non ce n'est pas de la magie, c'est Strong hair !

1 gummie per day.

Whenever you want during the day.

For optimal results, it is recommended to follow this treatment for at least 3 months in a row.

You can take these gummies as a cure or throughout the year.

Suitable for pregnant women

Suitable for nursing mothers

Concentrated assets

Gluten-free formula

Cruelty free

Active Ingredients


Has strengthening, purifying and anti-hair loss properties

Vitamin B2

Assainit le cuir chevelu et ralentit la chute des cheveux


Joue un rôle majeur dans la pousse des cheveux


Activates the microcirculation of the scalp

Our customers talk about it


About D-LAB

To guarantee eco-friendly formulas, D-LAB has chosen to package its products with vegetable envelopes and source its ingredients from French Greentech: a company that provides cruelty-free, non-irradiated, non GMO, nano-particles free, and preservative-free raw ingredients. #MIAM


