QUAI DES CELESTINS, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of €9,050, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 522 306 265, having its registered office at 207 rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin, 75010 Paris (hereinafter the "Company" or "QUAI DES CELESTINS"), represented by Mrs Fleur PHELIPEAU in her capacity as President, collects and processes personal data concerning the Company's clients, users of the Company's website (hereinafter the "Site") and users of the services (hereinafter the "Services"), as defined in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale accessible at the following link https://dlabparis.com/pages/conditions-generales-de-venteHereinafter referred to as the "Users" or "You" or "Customers".

The Company is concerned about the protection of the privacy and personal data of Users. Thus, it ensures that it adopts and respects a personal data processing policy that complies with the regulations in force and in particular with the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (the "GDPR") and the 1978 Data Protection Act as amended.

Thus, the purpose of this privacy and data protection policy (the "Policy") is to set out the terms and conditions under which the Company processes personal data concerning Users.

The Company reserves the right to change the Policy at any time and undertakes to inform Users of such changes by means of a notice when using the Services.

1. The data controller

The Company is responsible for the processing of personal data collected and processed under the conditions of this Policy applicable to Users.

You may contact the Company using the contact information provided in Section 8 "Contact" of this Policy.

The data controller is the person, in this case the Company, who determines the methods and purposes of the processing of personal data. As its name indicates, it is responsible for the processing of personal data that it implements and it is the main contact for the User to assert his or her rights in relation to the processing.

2. Sources and categories of personal data

2.1. Source and collection of personal data

The Company collects personal data from Users in the context of the use of the Services. In particular, the Company collects and processes Users' personal data when :

  • order taking ;
  • the provision of Services ;
  • invoicing and payment of orders, as well as preliminary credit card checks;
  • the creation of the User's profile on the Site (hereafter the "Profile");
  • navigation on the Site (in particular through cookies); and/or
  • Statistical and business analysis of data;
  • sending informative mass or targeted emails;
  • sending emails related to the follow-up of orders and the creation of finished products

The Company also processes all personal data provided spontaneously and voluntarily, in particular when Users contact the Company.

2.2 Categories of personal data

The Company collects and processes the following categories of personal data:

  • Information required for ordering:
    • Personal data: surname, first name, telephone number and email address of the customer (if an individual) or of the main contact person within the customer's company.
  • Information necessary for possible exchanges with You:
    • Personal data: surname, first name, telephone number and email address of the customer (if an individual) or of the main contact person within the customer's company.
  • Information required for invoicing and payment of orders:
    • Personal data: surname, first name, telephone number and email address of the customer (if a natural person) or of the main contact within the customer's company, as well as the postal address for invoicing. We do not keep bank details in case of payment by credit card.
  • Information needed to create the Profile:
    • Personal data: email address, telephone number, login, password
  • Information collected when using the "Contact" form:
    • Personal data: surname, first name, email address, as well as any other information that You would spontaneously communicate to us in your message.
    • Company data: distribution sector, country/city of marketing
  • Information about the type of device used, IP address, browser type and language.
  • Information collected by the cookies installed on our Site that you have previously accepted or refused, such as the pages consulted.

2.3. The mandatory nature of data provision

Certain information may be mandatory for the implementation of the Services. When placing an order, creating a Profile or using the "Contact" form, mandatory data is indicated on our forms by an asterisk or by the explicit mention "Mandatory information". If you do not provide the required data, we will not be able to provide the Services concerned.

2.4. Accuracy of data

The Company makes every effort to keep personal data accurate and complete. To ensure that we have the most up-to-date information, You may notify us of any changes to your contact details or any other data by contacting the Company using the contact details set out in Section 8 "Contact" below, or by regularly updating your Profile.

2.5. Location of personal data

The personal data collected on our Site and for which the Company is responsible is hosted in France on the servers of the Site which is hosted by the Company Shopify.

Further details on the safeguards taken for data transfers outside the European Economic Area are given in Article 6.

3. Purposes and legal bases of the processing

Personal data are processed by the Company for the following purposes:
In the context of the execution of the T&Cs or pre-contractual measures for the provision of the Services :
  • Performance of Services to Users, as defined in our GTC, delivery of ordered products.
  • Managing the relationship with Users
    • Creating a Profile ;
    • Management of the acceptance of the T&Cs and this Policy ;
    • Communication with Users; and
    • Management of any complaints.
As part of our legitimate interest in respecting your rights:
  • To compile statistics on the use of the Services and on the behaviour of Users;
  • Sending out newsletters;
  • Company Service Proposals; and
  • Provision, maintenance and improvement of our Services and Website.

In addition, processing in the context of legitimate interest also allows :

  • Manage the collection ;
  • To detect, investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, abuse, suspected fraud or situations involving potential threats to the security or rights of a person or entity and to use them as evidence in litigation;
  • Investigate, prevent and deter breaches of our T&Cs and this Policy; and
  • To protect and defend our rights and interests, including our intellectual property rights, before the competent courts or tribunals.

The Company also seeks to enable employee training and compliance and safety audits.

Finally, data is collected to meet legal obligations:

  • Fulfil the legal and regulatory obligations to which the Company is subject, such as tax reporting of transactions and retention of invoices,
  • Training our teams, as part of the legal obligations to which the Company is subject as an employer,
  • To manage Users' requests for their personal data rights.

4. Communication of personal data

The personal data collected and processed may be transmitted:

  • To authorised persons in the relevant departments of the Company;
  • In the event of a claim, theft or other breach of the GTC or the law, personal data may be passed on to our insurance company and/or brokerage company, which is obliged to keep the data transmitted confidential, and, if necessary, to the police and the courts.
  • To administrative and judicial authorities and more generally to public bodies in the context of compliance with our legal obligations or to enable us to defend our rights and interests,
  • If necessary, to our legal advisors and lawyers,
  • If we sell or transfer our business or part of it and your personal data relates to that sold or transferred part, or if we merge with another company, we will share your personal data with the new owner of the company or our merger partner, respectively.

5. Security of personal data

The Company implements organizational, technical, software and physical security measures to protect personal data against loss, unauthorized access, disclosure or alteration.

6. Data retention

The Company retains your personal data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, plus any statutory periods for archiving, retention of certain data and prescription. At the end of the processing, the personal data will either be deleted or anonymised by the Company.

The retention period depends on the type of personal data and the purpose. In particular, the retention period is determined according to the following criteria:

  • Closing the Profile ;
  • The regularity of your use of the Services;
  • The existence of legal or contractual obligations requiring us to retain data;
  • The existence of a retention period specifically defined by the applicable regulations; and
  • The type of personal data and in particular its sensitivity (e.g. your bank details).

In this context, the Company uses the following retention periods:

  • Your Profile data is retained for as long as the account is active and, at the latest, three years after the last transaction.
  • Once your account is closed, your data will be deleted or anonymised by the Company, unless it is required to be retained for accounting purposes, legal obligations, dispute resolution, debt collection or fraud prevention.
  • In the event of a dispute relating to a transaction, we will retain the data relating to that transaction for the applicable limitation periods.

For more information on how long we keep your personal data, please contact us at the address indicated in article 8 "Contact" below.

7. Rights of the User

Users are informed that, under the conditions of the RGPD and the laws applicable in France, they have the right to access, rectify, delete and port their personal data, as well as the right to limit and oppose the processing of such data.

Users also have the right to organise the fate of their personal data in the event of their death, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL, whose website can be accessed at http://www.cnil.fr and whose headquarters are located at 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris.

For processing based on consent, the User may withdraw it at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to such withdrawal.

The User may exercise his rights with the Company free of charge at the address indicated in Article 8 "Contact" below, except in the case of a manifestly excessive request, in which case charges may be applied.

In addition to the information below, the Company invites the User to consult the CNIL website:

  • Droit d’accès : l’Utilisateur a le droit d'obtenir de la Société la confirmation que ses données personnelles sont ou ne sont pas traitées et, lorsqu'elles le sont, l'accès auxdites données ainsi que les informations relatives aux finalités du traitement (art. 15 du règlement 2016/679 sur la protection des données personnelles (« RGPD »)). Les demandes manifestement infondées, excessives ou répétées sont susceptibles de ne pas recevoir de réponse ou de générer des frais.
  • Droit de rectification : l’Utilisateur a le droit d'obtenir de la Société, dans les meilleurs délais, la rectification de ses données personnelles qu’il juge inexactes (art. 16 du RGPD).
  • Droit à l’effacement : l’Utilisateur a le droit d'obtenir de la Société l'effacement de ses données personnelles, dans les conditions prévues à l’article 17 du RGPD.
  • Droit à la portabilité : l’Utilisateur a le droit de recevoir, ou de demander l’envoi à une tierce personne, des données personnelles le concernant qu'il a fourni à la Société, dans un format structuré, couramment utilisé et lisible par machine (art. 20 du RGPD).
  • Droit à la limitation du traitement : l’Utilisateur peut obtenir de la Société la limitation du traitement de ses données personnelles dans les conditions de l’article 18 du RPGD.
  • Droit de retirer le consentement : les Utilisateurs ont le droit de retirer leur consentement au traitement de vos données si ce traitement est fondé sur le consentement. Le retrait de ce consentement ne porte pas atteinte à la licéité du traitement fondé sur le consentement effectué avant le retrait de celui-ci.
  • Droit d’opposition : l’Utilisateur a le droit de s'opposer à tout moment, pour des raisons tenant à sa situation particulière, à un traitement de ses données personnelles, lorsque celui-ci est fondé sur l’intérêt légitime et dans les conditions de l’article 21 du RGPD.
  • Droit d’organiser le sort de ses données personnelles en cas de décès : l’Utilisateur peut définir des directives générales ou particulières relatives à la conservation, à l'effacement et à la communication de ses données à caractère personnel après son décès (loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, art. 40, II).
  • Droit d’introduire une réclamation auprès d’une autorité de contrôle : sans préjudice de tout autre recours administratif ou juridictionnel, l’Utilisateur a le droit d’introduire une réclamation auprès d’une autorité de contrôle s’il considère que le traitement de données personnelles le concernant constitue une violation de la règlementation applicable aux données à caractère personnel (art. 77 du RGPD).

8. Contact

For more information about the processing of your personal data or to exercise your rights, you can contact us at the following address

207 rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin
75010 Paris

Email : [email protected]
Telephone: 01 84 80 44 20