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" Lood supplements, do they work? "

The food supplement is a tool that is part of a decision-making process. We know that by eating astronomical quantities of organic courgette and steamed fish, without GMOs or pesticides, without fat and without salt, we will lose weight. But in reality, who imposes a restrictive diet on themselves and keeps it up over the long term? Similarly, who eats seafood three times a week? The pace of our lives makes us look for comfort foods. What D-LAB proposes is not to revolutionise our daily routine, but to incorporate very high quality tools that will be used by the body to improve its performance and make up for its deficiencies. These tools are given over time so that the body builds good quality tissue.
Our nutritional expertise allows us to help you target the major ingredients to incorporate into your daily routine to get better, even if you are already well, and to stay healthy.
Because even with a healthy lifestyle, organic food and steaming, you will not get the same quality of nutrients as those in our formulas.

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