Live sur notre gamme collagène et nouveauté

Nariné gives you her expert advice:

Retrouvez Nariné, notre spécialiste en diététique et nutrition, pour un live sur notre gamme de cures à base de collagène marin, avec études cliniques et sur notre dernière nouveauté, le Pro-Collagène Anti-Taches.

Discover our expert advice on choosing the right collagen treatment for your needs.

Discover the cures presented by Nariné

Pro-Collagen New Skin

✔ Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

✔ Moisturizes and protects the skin

✔Formula 100% natural origin

Clinically proven effectiveness

Pro-Collagène Minceur Kiwi

Anti-cellulite action


Drains the body


✔ Powerful anti-sugar


Clinically proven effectiveness

Pro-Collagen Slimming Coffee

✔Action brûle-graisses

✔Stimulates weight loss

✔Improves skin firmness

Clinically proven effectiveness

Pro-Collagen Digestion

✔ Improves intestinal comfort and nutrient assimilation


Maintains intestinal impermeability


100% natural formula


Clinically proven effectiveness

Pro-Collagen Suppleness

Helps keep joints in good working order


Promotes cartilage regeneration


✔ Reduces joint pain, even during sport


✔ Stimulates collagen biosynthesis

Pure Collagen

Reduces wrinkles


Firms the skin


✔ Smoothes features


✔ Stimulates collagen production

Pro-Collagen Solaire

✔ Prépare et sublime le bronzage

✔ Protects skin from external aggression

✔ Smoothes and softens skin

Clinically proven effectiveness

Pro-Collagène Anti-Taches

✔ Prévient & atténue les taches pigmentaires

✔ Illumine le teint

✔ Régule la production de mélanine

✔Réduit visiblement les rides

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