Hair loss and vitamin deficiency

Woman from the back with beautiful long brown hair

Hair loss can be caused by several factors comme des facteurs héréditaires (calvitie et alopécie), des facteurs environnementaux (l’automne est une saison propice à la chute des cheveux), des traitements médicaux, des périodes de stress, et des carences en vitamines. 

Alors comment remédier aux carences avec des solutions naturelles et compléments cheveux, et ainsi limiter cette chute et promote hair growth ?

Vitamin deficiency and hair loss

Recognizing deficiencies is quite simple, as they manifest themselves through unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, muscle cramps, vision problems, dizziness, hair loss, soft and brittle nails


In order to limit vitamin and mineral deficiencies, it is important to stay well hydrated,eat a varied diet and eat enough.

Eat more protein, such as eggs, meat, legumes... Include fruits and vegetables at every meal, they are rich in minerals and nutrients and will help you fight against nutritional deficiencies!

Consume moreacides gras (95% of the population is deficient) such as oily fish, avocados, almonds, add vegetable oils to your dishes and supplement with Omega-3 (for example, thePure Omega-3 from D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICS).

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D plays a key role in hair loss. A vitamin D deficiency leads to hair loss and dull hair. When vitamin D is lacking, hair follicles weaken and hair no longer grows back.

In addition, a study has shown that a lack of vitamin D also leads to an increase in the amount of sebum on the scalp. A real vicious circle, because the more oily hair we have, the more we wash it, which results in drying and straightening it afterwards and thus hair that weakens and eventually falls out.

Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies! Pregnant women, the elderly, vegans and vegetarians are at increased risk of iron deficiency. One of the consequences of this deficiency is hair loss. Iron plays an essential role in the formation of blood and hair has a high need for blood, if it does not receive enough it starts to fall out.

Zinc deficiency

Zinc acts on the hair, it strengthens the synthesis of the Keratin and collagen by making the hair silkier and prevents it from thinning. A deficiency in Zinc can manifest itself by alopecia and capillary aging.

Vitamin B deficiency

 B vitamins are essential for strengthen the hair and contribute to the maintenance of healthy hair. In fact, they stimulate the manufacture of Keratina protein that forms hair and nails.

Hair loss, superfoods and vitamins for hair

A healthy and varied diet is essential to maintaining good hair health. Here are some ingredients that are considered superfoods to prevent hair loss. Superfoods are foods that are particularly rich in nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial to health. Some of the most commonly recommended superfoods for hair health include spinach, nuts, seeds, berries, salmon, eggs and avocados. These foods contain essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Spinach, for example, is rich in iron, vitamin C and beta-carotene, all of which are important nutrients for healthy hair. Iron is essential for the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Vitamin C helps stimulate the production of collagen, which is important for hair growth, while beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body, which is crucial for hair growth and health.

  • Salmon and oily fish, are an excellent source of omega-3, promote scalp and hair hydration.Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and maintain scalp moisture, while vitamin D helps regulate hair growth. Protein is also essential for hair health, as it helps strengthen hair follicles.
Super food: oats and pumpkin seeds
  • Oats contain all the micronutrients necessary for healthy hair. They contain protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc. These nutrients help nourish the scalp, stimulate hair growth and maintain healthy hair follicles. In addition, oats' high soluble fiber content can help maintain a healthy digestive system, which also promotes healthy hair.

  • Eggs are a rich source of protein and make hair stronger. As a mask or by eating it, it's a must in your hair routine! Finally, eggs are versatile and can be incorporated into many different dishes, making them easy to incorporate into a healthy diet for hair health.

Hair food supplement

 feed supplements can be a precious help to make up for vitamin and mineral deficiencies if the diet is not sufficient.

At D-LABWe offer a range of food supplements 100% natural, without controversial substances, without nanoparticles and not tested on animals.

The Capillary Mass Program is the ideal solution to target and treat hair loss. It regulates the hormonal activity responsible for hair loss, reoxygenates the scalp and reactivates hair growth. We will bring pure and natural keratin of very high quality, with only one capsule per day! Our keratin, whose effectiveness is proven by a clinical studyThis will act as a cement in the heart of the bulb and intensely reduce the hair loss by more than two times, but will also encourage regrowth.

We recommend at least three months of treatment to activate the cellular memory in the hair bulbs.


It is important to adopt an in and out routine, combining these food supplements with a diet and care products adapted to hair loss to multiply the positive effects.