Selenium: origin, benefits, deficiencies

Selenium is a trace element with multiple powers and is indispensable for our body! It has an antioxidant role and is very often used in food supplements, it acts in synergy with vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. What is its origin? What are its benefits? And how can deficiencies be avoided?

Origins of selenium

Selenium is one of the trace elements essential to the body. It is a very powerful antioxidant that detoxifies the body from heavy metals, protects it from cardiovascular disease and supports the immune system.

How do I fill up with selenium?

You can find selenium in our D-LAB dietary supplements, especially in :


  • Liver Detox, a depurative phytotherapy concentrate that stimulates the elimination of toxins, fights against heavy metals and protects the liver, the body's filtering organ, over the long term. Rapidly, the complexion is clearer and fatigue is reduced.
  • Skin Detox, the perfect formula for skin with imperfections or that varies according to the hormonal cycle. It purifies, regulates, calms and protects.
  • The Balance Activator, an expert formula composed of 15 active ingredients that act synergistically to rebalance the body. It stimulates serotonin, regulates neuro-hormonal activity, promotes restful sleep and brings vitality to daily life.

Selenium is mainly found in seafood, including fish, shrimp, oysters, langoustines and crab. It is also found in meat and offal. Tomatoes, pears, oranges, leeks, onions, turnips and other cruciferous plants are also a very good source of selenium.

If you don't eat meat, you'll find it in whole grains, nuts, lentils, chickpeas, flaxseed and brazil nuts. Just one Brazil nut a day can provide you with the recommended amount you need!


The recommended daily intake of selenium is 60 micrograms for a woman and 70 micrograms for a man.


Be careful not to consume too much selenium! Excessive selenium consumption can cause undesirable effects such as hair loss, nausea, fatigue and digestive problems.

Oilseeds: Cashew nuts, hazelnuts and almonds in a bowl

The benefits of selenium

Selenium has anti-aging and anti-viral powers. It is a formidable antioxidant indispensable to our organism.

What are its main virtues?

It protects our cells and eyes thanks to its antioxidant effect. It allows the production of an enzyme called glutathione peroxidase, which, combined with vitamin E, will protect cell membranes from oxidation caused by free radicals. It would thus delay diseases linked to oxidative stress such as AMD (macular degeneration of the retina) which is the first cause of visual impairment in France in people over 50 years old.

A champion of preventive medicine, he defends the body's cells against certain cancers and protects the nervous system from neuronal damage by preventing Alzheimer's disease.

It is a valuable help in defending ourselves from viruses and acts as a powerful stimulant within our immune system. This trace element is also involved in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and testosterone.

Excellent detoxifier, it helps the body to cleanse itself by participating in theelimination of heavy metals harmful to our body. It neutralizes toxic waste and prevents fat plaques from forming on the inner wall of our arteries, which is mainly due to bad cholesterol.

On the beauty side, selenium is your ally against the harmful effects of the sun, it facilitates tanning and helps protect your skin from sunburn. It is also an excellent anti-ageing agent because it slows down skin ageing.  

For strengthen your hair, especially in winterwe advise you to make a selenium cure or to take a hair supplement which contains some!

What are the symptoms of selenium deficiency?

The main symptoms ofselenium deficiency arefatigue, muscle weakness, joint pain, immunodeficiency, impaired sperm production and thyroid problems.

Les symptômes qui touchent notre moral comprennent l’anxiété, une humeur dépressive et des sautes d’humeur.

Selenium is a trace element essential for the proper functioning of our body and for the beauty of our skin, but beware of overdosing which can have harmful effects on your body!

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