Action-Capitons - ANTI-GASPI

Action-Capitons - ANTI-GASPI

DDM mai 2025

108,80€ 136€



  • 1 programme 56 jours

Payment in 2 or 3 times without fees from 50€.


  • Dosage

Drains excess water

Tightens buttocks & thighs

Stimulates blood circulation

Burns fat

This program contains 28 active ingredients that jointly fight against dimples and their causes. It eliminates excess water, stimulates blood circulation and activates fat burning. For a firmer body and smoother skin.

Attention, en commandant ce produit, vous recevrez un produit dont la DDM est inférieure à 12 mois : 31/05/25*

Need a format you can take anywhere? Discover the sticks format, >>en cliquant ici<<

2 capsules per day.

Take one capsule in the morning, during breakfast so that you're not starting off the day on an empty stomach.
For Metabolism Activator, one capsule in the morning with breakfast, and one capsule at lunchtime. Due to the presence of green tea, do not consume on an empty stomach.

For optimal effects, it is recommended to follow this cure 3 months in a row.

It is advisable to repeat the treatment once or twice a year.
Consultez les contre-indications dans la FAQ.

Titrated and concentrated assets

98% natural origin

Gluten-free formula

Active Ingredients

Organic green tea

Acts on thermogenesis (combustion): promotes metabolism and fat oxidation.***

Sweet pepper

High in capsaicin, sweet pepper supports weight loss and helps control weight*** by burning free body fat for energy.


Naturally rich in caffeine, guarana supports fat metabolism*** by acting on lipid breakdown.

Horse chestnut

Stimulates circulation in the micro blood vessels and reduces the sensation of heavy legs.


Fights against water retention and eliminates cellulite.


Helps control blood sugar levels*** and supports liver, biliary and digestive system function.

Its results

Its results


have noticed a reduction in the amount of cellulite they have


declare that the effects of the cure last more than 2 weeks.


see visible results



Satisfaction test carried out in self-assessment by 38 testers - DLAB QDC0220
In your program

Metabolism Activator


Deploys cellular energy

Stimulates caloric expenditure

Encourages weight loss

Reduces fatigue

An expertly formulated supplement that is designed to waken the body and keep it running efficiently all day long by stimulating the production of cellular energy. Made with stimulating active ingredients, it increases your metabolism, thus allowing you to burn more sugar and fat, by increasing your body's resting energy production,

See the product page

Active Circulation Complex


Slims down legs

Relieves heavy legs

Stimulates blood circulation

Improves venous system

A formula that stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the venous walls and fights against fat storage for a visibly slimmer lower body and slender legs.

See the product page

Draining Detox


Drains excess water

Stimulates renal elimination

Purifies the body

Eliminates toxins

A depurative phytotherapy concentrate that activates daily renal and urinary elimination to durably drain excess water. It also purifies the filter organs to improve long term tissue decongestion.

Discover also our to take with you wherever you go!

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