When should you take dietary supplements for your hair?

food supplements for dry hair

I want to take a hair supplementBut when? 

Please note that there is no specific time period necessary to start a cure. Any day of the year is a good time to start :) 

And yes, our diet is so depleted that supplementation is necessary, supplements are natural nutritional remedies for good health. Nutritional deficiency is a real scourge these days.

Did you know that you would have to eat 100 apples today to get back the vitamin C content of just one apple from 70 years ago? 

The strength of our hair lies in what we eat, at the very heart of our lifestyle. 

Okay, but when is the right time to supplement? We'll explain everything in this guide to hair supplements.

When the leaves fall ... or the buds are born!

Nous le savons toutes et tous, certaines saisons sont plus propices à la chute de nos cheveux que les autres : le printemps et l’automne sont des saisons de renouveau, et nos cheveux suivent ce processus naturel. 

Il est alors devenu anodin de perdre ses cheveux lors de ces périodes. On peut faire le choix de stopper cette chute avant même qu’elle ne commence, de renforcer leur brillance, leur tonus et leur repousse, grâce à un hair supplement

Nous parlons d'”un" mais en réalité le bulbe capillaire requiert de bien nombreux actifs ! Vitamines du groupe B comme la biotine, oligo-éléments, minéraux, acides aminés soufrés … 

These ingredients make the most precious thing in our scalp: keratin. 

Keratin is a constituent protein of our hair. It is what holds the hair to its bulb. It is the protein that weaves the hair fibre together and fills the scales. 

So we have three choices: we can take all the components of keratin to make our hair grow very quickly, in the end this is like consuming a Growth Complex.  

compléments cheveux

For those who suffer from greasy hair, D-LAB Growth Complex contains sebum-regulating nettle.

You can also take ready-made keratin for seasonal hair loss control or at any time of the year.

Or you can play it cool and perfect by consuming both in a super Duo. If you take brewer's yeast at the same time, no problem! Everything is compatible, as long as there is no overdose of active ingredients. Our supplements are not tablets. They are presented in the form of gastro-resistant vegetable capsules, which reinforces their assimilation and bioavailability. Much better than ampoules!

Some of you may notice that you lose your hair at other times of the year. This is perfectly possible and normal, as hair loss is not only dependent on the seasons. This is why all the months of the year are good to take hair supplements.

Hormonal storm?

There are, however, times when it is most appropriate to take food supplements: following a hormonal change. Hormonal changes can be childbirth, pregnancy, a change in the contraceptive pill, the menopause, etc. 

During these times, the body is put to the test and can cause damage such as hair damage or falling out.

The neuro-hormonal system must be rebalanced to treat the cause of hair loss and not just stop it at the moment. To do this, you need to provide your body with active ingredients that promote well-being, because stress upsets the hormonal system. This is why the time of great emotional stress is also a good time to take food supplements. 

dietary supplements for dull hair

Of course, external treatments to complement the capsules are welcome. Massage your scalp with castor oil, which strengthens and stimulates, and wash your hair with natural shampoos to prevent dry, brittle hair and promote healthy regrowth with good vitality. Massaging the scalp also activates the blood microcirculation and oxygenates the vessels. I do my hair good with it.

How regular should I be?

The capsules, rich in vitamins and natural products, can be taken at any time of the day. We advise you to follow your cures for a minimum of three months. 

The hair cycle goes through several growth phases, which in total last three months. So with a hair food supplement taken over this period of time, you accompany the cellular cycles of your hair from its birth to its end. You will have a beautiful mane, beautiful hair and healthy hair. 

How can I include my supplements in my beauty routine?

Many of us have very precise and regular routines: shampoo, conditioner, lotions, vegetable oils (argan, coconut, castor, etc.), brushing, hair masks to leave on, etc. 

With all this process, the ingestion of a few small capsules seems minimal! In between treatments, I open my bottle of capsules and take care of my hair from the inside. 

Clean, cruelty free, sans gluten et made in France, l’ensemble de nos formules sont composées d’actifs naturels extrait sans procédés chimiques, et deviendront un véritable allié beauté à votre routine capillaire. 

Thanks to our cures of hair food supplements, you will regain the desired hair mass, your hair regains its full health and becomes as strong and shiny as before this massive exposure to the sun and all these factors deteriorating your hair beauty.