How to burn belly fat effortlessly?

Despite all your sacrifices, abdominal fat persists? Losing belly fat requires a lot of stimulation. It's summer and you don't feel like making an effort because it's the vacations and ice cream is calling your name? 

We know what you mean. D-LAB gives you its tips for burning fat without sport or dieting. 

There are several points to address to burn fat without sport.

burn belly fat

I. How to burn off belly fat

1. Reduce digestive problems

Firstly, it is necessary to reduce digestive disorderswe explain why. 

Burning fat without sport also involves digestion. You've probably already heard of the "microbiota", especially from us. 

The microbiota is the living world that inhabits our intestines. It's made up of good and bad bacteria. This mix of bacteria must be in symbiosis for our organism to be efficient. 

Symbiosis means that there must be more good bacteria than bad. 

When this is not the case, we speak of dysbiosis, or altered microbiota. The problem is that when intestinal dysbiosis occurs, many of our body's functions slow down, such as metabolism and weight loss. 

In fact, an altered intestinal microbiota upsets the hormonal system, and we need a good hormonal balance to lose weight and, above all, to burn fat without sport

If you're reading this paragraph carefully, you probably want to reduce digestive problems related to altered gut microbiota. 

Digestive problems include: slow digestion, fat storage, poor transit, abdominal bloating.

How to reducedigestive disorders:

  • Rebalance your microbiota with Absolu Probiopure, a formula composed of five strains of lactic ferments (good bacteria) as close as possible to those found in our intestines; 

  • Rebalance your neuro-hormonal system with Balance Activator, a formula containing active precursors of serotonin, the happiness hormone, and melatonin, the sleep hormone. 

Sometimes our belly is swollen and we think it's fat when it's really bloating due to either an unbalanced microbiota or intestinal hyperpermeability. To solve the latter, you need to supplement with L-Glutamine. At D-LAB we have : Absolute L-Glutamine

Moreover, by speeding up digestion, we avoid storing less. 

To help you digest faster and burn fat without exercise, D-LAB offers the Enzymatic Slimming Complex: a concentrate of multiple digestive enzymes to transform ingested fats and sugars faster and store less! 

2. Capture grease upstream

Our second tip for burning fat without exercise is to capture it directly in the stomach, before it's even assimilated!

And it's all thanks to nopal. The nopal to capture fats? What's new? 

Nopal is a fiber from the prickly pear cactus. One nopal fiber captures more than 36 times its weight in fat. 

Fiber swells in the stomach and helps you feel full. It's an excellent slimming ally, and helps curb cravings. It's also a good way to burn fat without sport, as you avoid maintaining fat levels in the abdominal area.

At D-LAB, find the nopal to capture fats under the namePure Nopal. It is taken occasionally before a large meal to avoid overindulgence.

II. How does the satiety hormone work?

The satiety hormone is called leptin. Some studies show that this leptin is less secreted in obese and overweight subjects. This is why it is sometimes difficult to stop eating and lose belly fat. 

This is why burning fat without sport is accompanied by an aid to satiety.  

To burn fat without sport, there are also other supplements that will be your best friends: the fat-burner supplement

burn belly fat

Our star product is the Fat Burner Program: a synergy of three formulas to help you lose weight in general and burn fat without sport: the Metabolism Activator, which stimulates metabolism and mobilizes fat to transform it into energy, the Active Energy Complex, which also helps you burn fat without sport, and the Slimming Detox, which eliminates toxins and dissolved fat.

The fat-burner supplement works internally and is more effective than slimming creams that only reach 20% of the cells.

Sometimes, fat is blocked by poor blood circulation, and to burn fat without sport, you just need to boost venous return, with our Active Circulation Complex or our Action-Capitons Program for example!

III. Change your eating habits

We tend to eat food that is not very good for our insulin: we eat hyperglycemic foods that constantly feed our desire for sugar. The problem is that this type of diet maintains belly fat, and body fat in general. 

How to change your habits? We swap breakfast cereals for wholemeal bread, good fats (avocado, cheese, oilseeds), and proteins such as eggs for example: hunger pangs are avoided, satiety is present, weight gain is absent. 

For lunch and dinner, make sure you have cooked vegetables on your plate: plenty of fiber to digest well and capture fat.

IV. Our diet and health tips that don't require (too) much effort

  • Eat slowly: the brain takes 20 minutes to understand that you have reached satiety. Eating slowly will make you eat smaller quantities and therefore burn fat without exercise. 

  • Put the fork down at each bite: in the same logic, you save time!

  • Walk after a meal, take a walk: walking stimulates the body and digestion, and is good for your health!

  • Trade your car for a bicycle or walk: in addition to contributing to the good of the planet, you will lose weight easily.

  • choose the stairs rather than the escalator or elevator: a few steps won't hurt you, quite the contrary! 

  • Do not snack between meals: the key to losing belly fat.  

You are now ready :)