Eczema of the scalp : list of symptoms

eczema hair list of symptoms

Eczema of the scalp is an inflammatory disease. It manifests itself by red patches on the head, by allergic reaction and sometimes on the rest of the body as well, it is then called atopic eczema. 

I think I have allergic eczema, what are the symptoms to recognize? Apart from the red patches, you can also see crusts, oozing, dandruff and especially itching. 

It is also important to know that eczema can be seen as a symptom in itself, triggered by an allergy to a cosmetic product, a detergent, a food or an insect. These symptoms can occur at the time or after a few days following contact with the allergic substance.

Be careful not to confuse the symptoms of scalp eczema with the symptoms of ringworm. Ringworm is simply a fungal infection of the scalp. It is a fungus called "dermatophyte" that will invade the scalp and is very contagious. Remember to wash your hands after touching or scratching your scalp. Why is it confused with eczema scalp symptoms? Well, because ringworm is also itchy, scaly. However, lesions that develop after a few weeks allow you to differentiate ringworm from scalp eczema.

Traitements naturels contre l’eczéma cheveux

Nourishing your skin is very recommended because eczema dries out your skin. For soothing virtues, you can use a fresh aloe vera gel that calms itching, burning sensations, and moisturizes. 

For a deep nutrition, consider applying vegetable oils such as argan oil, vitamin E, jojoba, and finally tea tree oil for its antibacterial properties. 

It is necessary to try to avoid allergenic detergents which can maintain this eczema.

natural treatments for

Compléments alimentaires eczéma cheveux

In addition to topical treatments, you can nourish your scalp from the inside with a hair supplement

En effet, les soins externes n’atteignent que 20% des couches de la peau donc l’épiderme seulement. Pour toucher les 80% restants, il faut agir de l’intérieur. C’est une action que seuls les compléments alimentaires peuvent effectuer.  

Pour nourrir le cuir chevelu et prévenir la sécheresse, les Oméga 3 sont vos amis. D-LAB a créé l’Absolu Oméga 3, une formule titrée en EPA et DHA qui apportent une dose de ces acides gras essentiels au quotidien. 

Petit zoom sur les oméga 3 : nous sommes très souvent carencés en oméga 3. Notre organisme a besoin d’avoir une balance oméga 3/oméga 6 équilibrée. 

Le souci est que l’alimentation transformée et les modes de culture laisse place à l’obtention d’aliments riches en oméga 6, pro-inflammatoires, et pauvre en oméga 3

compléments alimentaires eczema cheveux

Les Oméga 3 constituent une barrière de protection hydrolipidique qui maintient l’hydratation cutanée. Mis à part traiter les symptômes eczéma cuir chevelu, les oméga 3 protègent des problèmes cardio-vasculaires et assurent bonne mémoire et vitalité. Ainsi, votre cuir chevelu est mieux préservé de l’agression provoquée par les symptômes eczéma cuir chevelu comme les croûtes ou les pellicules de sécheresse.

En parlant de pellicules sèches, il faut évacuer tous ces « déchets » de votre crâne pour qu’il ne soit pas encombré et ainsi éviter les démangeaisons. Pour cela, notre Detox Microcirculation va oxygéner les tissus et les micro capillaires sanguins pour éliminer les toxines, les cellules mortes et les petites croûtes d’eczéma libres.

Avoid the popular industrial dandruff shampoos that are mostly very chemical and cause further damage to your scalp. The other two formulas to favor for eczema are: Soothed Skin Complex and Absolute Probioderm. Our Soothing Skin Complex, rich in SOD, preserves the dermis from external aggression, keeps cells from getting damaged and soothes the itching and redness caused by eczema, no matter what type.

Our new product, Absolu Probioderme, contains different strains of probiotics from the skin that restore the pH of the epidermis and reduce the marks left by skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

Probiotics are good bacteria that are essential to the living micro-world of our entire body. Our intestines have one but so does our skin. The skin must be armed with good bacteria to be healthy and keep its balance.

In the same way that hydroalcoholic gel kills all the bacteria on the skin of the hands and often leaves them dry, some hair products attack the scalp, drying it out, killing the good bacteria and leaving the skull unprotected. It is at this time that the symptoms of scalp eczema appear most often.

Avoid the very popular industrial anti-dandruff shampoos that are mostly very chemical and cause further damage to your scalp. 

The two other formulas to be favored for eczema are: the Skin Calming Complex and thePure Probioderm. Our Skin Calming ComplexSOD rich, preserves the dermis from external aggression, prevents cells from becoming damaged and soothes the itching and redness caused by eczema, regardless of its type. 

LAbsolute Probioderm contains different strains of probiotics from the skin that restore the pH of the epidermis, and reduce the marks left by skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. 

Probiotics are good bacteria that are essential to the living micro-world of our entire body. Our intestines have one but so does our skin. The skin must be armed with good bacteria to be healthy and keep its balance. 

In the same way that hydroalcoholic gel kills all the bacteria on the skin of the hands and often leaves them dry, some hair products attack the scalp, drying it out, killing the good bacteria and leaving the skull unprotected. This is when the symptoms of hair eczema most often appear.

food supplements against eczema scalp

Psoriasis or eczema hair ?

Speaking of skin conditions, are you sure this is eczeman hair? Although similar, psoriasis is related to accelerated skin renewal. 

Psoriasis plaques are also red. Irritated, the skin is also characterized by itching and dryness. 

The treatment is often a corticoid-based cream as well. In all cases, the advice of a dermatologist is essential. He will know how to cure you! 

Especially since other conditions exist such as pityriasis, dermatitis, dermatitis ...